Riyadh Showroom

Riyadh Showroom

Riyadh Showroom

PFM will give you good service

Riyadh showroom is located in the stone district of Saudi Arabia. This location has more than 200 ㎡ of warehouse space. The showroom dedicated to displaying of our natural stone at its very best. From 3D design, installation and to project completion, the three onsite project leaders and craftsmen were again succesful in our customers satisfaction. The exhibition hall walls and floors were made of marble, waterjet flooring tile, onyx and semi-precious stones. The individual exhibitions overall design and display method avoids the visual interference between the exhibits. This allows the visitors to focus on each specific type of tiles, independently. Again, PFM provides a one-stop solution for all our customers and projects. 

  • Time:2017
  • Location: Saudi Arabia
  • Duration: 2 Months
  • Area: 200 m²
  • Material: Marble,Water jet medallion,Onyx,Travertine,Semi-precious stone,Glass art mosaic
  • Application: Show room,Majlis,Decoration wall
Riyadh Showroom lobby design
Riyadh Showroom entry foyer design
Riyadh Showroom entry foyer under installation
Riyadh Showroom entry foyer after installation
Riyadh Showroom background wall design
Riyadh Showroom background wall after installation
Riyadh Showroom reception room design
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